Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm looking for a song in the family guy?

I don't know the episode number, but I remember the song is play at
the end where peter said there is some air time and let a guy play his
song, and the guy has long hair and with his thumbs up smiling.

Question to someone who has buyed the movie inceptions dvd?

Hey im in india and ive buyed a inception dvd which has been
manufactured by big home videos.. i dont know who is the manufacturers
outside india.. The thing is that i am damn dissapointed about its
sound quaility.. Its damn poor.. Ive buyed it giving Rs599 and im
damn sad now.. Has anyone encountered any such problem in india or
outside india.. Im using a home theatre system of sony dav-dz370 which
if you know is a good i say a great system.. That dvd is having the
worse sound effect.. Is it the dvd like that only or is it only my dvd
like that??.. Plzz help.. Also mention who is the manufacturer of your
dvd.. Plzz..

‪Resident Evil 6 Trailer

*Resident Evil 6 Trailer [2]
resident evil 6 trailer From:
assassincreedlover68 [3] Views:
0 0

02:53 More in
Gaming [4]


'Just' finished this poem/lyrics, what you think?

Just's 4.25am, so expect errors.

We'd start talking at the night,
And stay talking till it was bright,
Oh how and me you, would use that phone.
Our random summer walks,
In which we'd talk and talk,
It'd be hours until we each returned home

Wither things were bad or fine,
We'd stick together to the finish line.


Does anyone know the best way to make your own free Hip Hop/R&B/Rap/Pop Beats?

I really like making songs but I dont like using other artists
instrumentals, i want my own.. Heres two of my verses to songs

Bahama Bound Trailer

Bahama Bound Trailer [2]
New Project 1 From:
vbumleg [3] Views:
1 0

01:07 More in
Entertainment [4]


Dragonball Z - Movie Brolys Return Trailer

Dragonball Z - Movie Brolys Return Trailer [2]
New Dragonball Movie - Brolys Return ( Broly Movie 4 ) Broly movie
four From:
xGLAxBlackMatze [3] Views:
0 0

01:59 More in
Film  Animation [4]


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Did Javier Colon win the voice?

good teen movies/tv series?

i love pretty little liars, 10 things i hate about you, the nine lives
of chloe king, switched at birth, hellcats, the vampire diaries, the
gates, life unexpected, one tree hill, and glee. for movies i luv the
whole twilight saga, mean girls, mean girls 2, sorority row, step up
3, valentine's day
and i really love movies and shows about teens and not adults thnxx

Where can I watch Noodle online?
Where can I watch the movie above online?
I checked both and and neither had
it. Can someone give me a link to another free movie watching website
or a megavideo link?

My trailer novel SERVANT ข้าคือข้ารับใช้ผู้ซื่อสัตย์

My trailer novel SERVANT I27-I2#1C
I9I 7H-*1"L [2]
killpid25 [3] Views:
1 0

01:10 More in
People  Blogs [4]


Naruto Ultimate Ninja Generations/ Storm 3 Trailer Impressi

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Generations/ Storm 3 Trailer Impressi [2]
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Generations: From:
otakumarc13 [3] Views:
0 0

08:39 More in
Gaming [4]


Villars Skiing - Trailer

Villars Skiing - Trailer [2]
Trailer for the upcoming movie of kids from SGS in Villars From:
xXPuReXPaNcaKesXx [3] Views:
1 0

00:34 More in
Sports [4]


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Georges St Pierre Rushfit Strength And Endurance Workout Foundation Moves 2011 DVDRip XviD-DOCUMENT

*Georges St Pierre Rushfit Strength And Endurance Workout Foundation
NTSC|ViDEO: XViD 640 x 352 - 1046kbps|AUDiO: English / CBR AC3
192kbps|GENRE: Sports|RUNTiME: 47mins|SiZE: 350mb

Aida Arenas - Ninja Class Trailer [PC, MAC]

Aida Arenas - Ninja Class Trailer [PC, MAC] [2]
Subscribe for HD Trailers, Let's Plays (look
for that *awesome face* at the bottom right), Highlights, and No
Commentary Playthroughs. - Email Subscription:
Twitter: Facebook: - . hack//GU is a series
of single-player action role-playing games for the PlayStation 2,
developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai. The three games
are titled . hack//GU Vol. 1: Rebirth (��, Saitan?, lit.
Resurrection), . hack//GU Vol. 2: Reminisce (F�, Kimi Omou Koe?,
lit. The Voice that Thinks of You), and . hack//GU Vol. 3: Redemption
(iO�FjUg, Aruku you na Hayasa de?, lit. At a Walking Pace). .
hack//GU simulates a massively multiplayer online role-playing game;
players assume the role of a participant in a fictional game called
The World. While in The World, the player controls the on-screen
player character, Haseo, from a third-person person perspective (with
optional first-person mode). The player may control the camera using
the game controller's right analog stick. Within the fictional game,
players explore monster-infested fields and dungeons as well as 'Root
Towns' that are free of combat. They also can 'log-off' from the game
and return to a computer desktop interface which includes in-game
e-mail, news, and message boards, as well as desktop and background
music customization options. In Reminisce, an optional card game
called 'Crimson VS' becomes available. The player may save the game
to a *...* From:
SubscribeForGamesHD [3] Views:
0 0

01:11 More in
Gaming [4]


In The Name of Love (2011) DVDRip English Sub

In The Name of Love (2011) DVDRip English Sub

whats the best horror film?

Could you mark the first bit of my essay please? The title is: Has modern horror gone soft?

The word 'horror' gets thrown about a lot these days. But what does it
actually mean? Modern horror films go for the in-the-moment scary bits
and tend to ignore any psychological fear they could add. They lack
what horror, in the past, used to have: pure fright.
True horror fans want to watch a film and sleep with the light on -
instead of turning the light off half way through the film.

The classic slasher film that kick-started the sub-genre were of
course "Peeping Tom" the 1960's film directed by Michael Powell. It
was a psychological horror about the Freudian relationship between the
protagonist and his father and the protagonist and his victims.
However, if you look deeper that a few cenitmeters, the film is as
much about the voyeurism of the audience as they watch the
protagonist's actions.
Another film to help the sub-genre of slasher on to it's feet is,
probably the most famous horror film, Psycho. It was created in 1960
(and re-made in 1998) and was directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This film
caused controversy due to how chilled it made its viewers.
These two films had the key factor to horror films - psychological
fright. Modern horror films do not go as far to play with the minds of
its viewers, it's only interested in a few short screams.

*** I will then go on to talk about other aspects of horror and my
opinion 'if horror has gone soft'.

so grade, tips, hints, ect. thankss -x-;_ylt=AgZQlgegTo3Sxbgv_aqMGm8hBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110628092113AABHwy1

answer this to help me as well please ^^^ thankyou, xxx.

Batman - The Brave and the Bold Season 3 Episode 3

Batman - The Brave and the Bold Season 3 Episode 3 [2]
watch Batman - The Brave and the Bold online all the episodes are
avaiable .Batman: The Brave and the Bold is an American cartoon
series based in part on the DC Comics "team-up" series The Brave and
the Bold trailer promo new season part 1 Season episodes tvshows S3
HQ series watch online complete full length hd part 3 part1 From:
pattilynlavelle [3] Views:
0 0

06:10 More in
Music [4]


Monday, June 27, 2011

[MULTI] Four Corners 2011 05 30 A Bloody Business WS PDTV XviD-W4F

[MULTI] Four Corners 2011 05 30 A Bloody Business WS PDTV XviD-W4F

English | 45mn 44 | 624 x 352 pixels | XviD 936 Kbps | MP3 2 channels
120 Kbps | 350 MiB
Genre : TV-Show

In what episode of Family Guy does Brian get replaced by another dog?

A Race Worth Saving- An X3 Terran Conflict Film [Solar Wars Trailer]

A Race Worth Saving- An X3 Terran Conflict Film [Solar Wars
Trailer] [2]
A trailer for my current video project, Solar Wars. Solar Wars is the
three part trilogy that shows the rise of humanity to the apex of
human power. This monolouge is taken from a speech given by Leon
Amistad, a fighter pilot in the Solar Navy during the Great
Holocaust. More info on Solar Wars coming soon. From:
spacefannumber1 [3] Views:
3 1

02:57 More in
Entertainment [4]



I am thinking of buying a saxophone but have found used saxophones for
a much cheaper price. is it worth it to buy a new saxophone and not a
used one? is the sound quality of a used saxophone different from a
new one? why?

How old should I be to watch Reality Shows?

How old do you think someone watching reality shows should be?
I mean... like Keeping up with the Kardashians, The real house wives
of everything, Jersey Shore, Bad girls club, and shows like that! how
old should i be? I am 13 and my little sister is 11 and we are both
not allowed to watch them.. how old should we be to watch them?
ive seen only parts of them when my older sister watches them and i
love them so much! i want to watch them so bad haha

Sunday, June 26, 2011

(Fake) Riviera the Promised Land movie trailer

(Fake) Riviera the Promised Land movie trailer [2]
Based on the GBA and PSP Japanese Role-playing video game. --- Music
is Clash of the Titans by Immediate Music. --- In my continuing quest
to 'epic-ize' everything I decided to try and show what this game
might look like as an action/fantasy live action film :) --- Riviera
is an utterly charming game in my opinion with a colorful cast,
entertaining story and simple but fluid and intuitive gameplay. But
an oddity with JRPGs is that they are extremely ambitious. In the
same game where you can hurt your party member's feelings by
insulting their weight there's an epic story of a fallen Grim Angel
of Asgard who was originally intended to destroy the fairy land of
Riviera but was given amnesia by a goddess so he could learn about
the people he had been sent to eradicate first hand. Unlike Avatar
though Ein, the Grim Angel, has a mission he believes in and actually
has some merit since if it is not destroyed Riviera will breed demons
and destroy other worlds. However after living and befriending the
sprites, Ein chooses to tackle the longer, harder quest of finding
The Accursed demon masters and repairing the world instead of passing
judgement, although this course of action will make his old friend
Ledah, also a Grim Angel, his mortal enemy... If you like quirky
humor, a semi-dating sim, and a classic RPG epic this is a great
choice for the PSP or GBA. Just don't get frustrated in the forest
maze XD From:
bloodrunsclear [3] Views:
14 1

01:10 More in
Entertainment [4]


What did Abe Simpson from The Simpsons mean whn he said this?

In the episode where Homer and Marge try to spark up their marriage
again and all, you kmow the one, where they are in the mini golf
course and steal the hot air balloon and all.
Well, when Abe (Granpa) was babysittin the Kids, he said "Lisa, run
outide and go cut me a switch", WTF does this mean ?? lol
what does it mean tho? explain

Rich Girl (Trailer)

Rich Girl (Trailer) [2]
LESEN BITTE! Okayyy Es ist Jaa Neu das ich hier so gesagt ein
"trailer" hochlade aber es kann sein das ich eine Story Mache aber
bitte ich hab


Saturday, June 25, 2011

whats the name and artist of this song?

it goes

as i walk threw the valley of the shadows of La the foot prints beside
me have gone their sepertate ways

Rhh : common is definately not dead .?

i really hate when people say stuff ,  dont have all the legit facts

Btw , this isnt a question . Its just a statement .

how can i dress like a female ziggy stardust?

What is the movie about good vs. Evil?

It's on comcast on demand and it's about a catholic cathedral and a
priest and good vs evil..what's the name

Listen to YouTube songs?

How long is it supposed to take? It's been like 10 minutes... and I
heard it's fast.
How do you get the song to iTunes when it's done?
i just used the stupid suggested topics.

Naruto Shippuden Movie 8 Trailer(Blood Prison)

Naruto Shippuden Movie 8 Trailer(Blood Prison) [2]
anko317 [3] Views:
1 0

00:15 More in
Film  Animation [4]


D.Junior Pro Presents (teaser trailer)

D.Junior Pro Presents (teaser trailer) [2]
Created by D.Junior From:
djunior5555 [3] Views:
0 0

00:13 More in
Film  Animation [4]


Friday, June 24, 2011

Trailer:Deeply In Love (Sonamy:Love Comes Around series2)

Trailer:Deeply In Love (Sonamy:Love Comes Around series2) [2]
this my trailer 4 the next upcoming series srry guess 4 the long wait
you're gonna have to wait cuz I gotta go to the doctors cuz i keep
gettin this dots on my body See ya guess in bout 20 days PS goin with
my mom 4 vaction From:
GoodyCharm123 [3] Views:
0 0

00:30 More in
Entertainment [4]


Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer (Fanmade)

Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer (Fanmade) [2]
this trailer is fanmade all clips belong to SEGA and related co.
shadowsonic06 [3] Views:
1 0

01:28 More in
Film  Animation [4]


what kind of truck does Jason Stackhouse drive in the show trueblood?

What are your top 5 movies?

Apocalypse Now
The Shawshank Redemption

Who is the best? perosnshvjsandas?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Futurama S06E15 720p HDTV x264-IMMERSE

*Futurama S06E15*
English | 21Min | XVID 624x352 23fps | MP3 128Kbps 48Khz | 175 Mb
Genre: Cartoons | Comedy | Sci-Fi When Fry, a somewhat dim-witted 25
year-old pizza delivery boy for Panucci's Pizza is asked to make a
drop at Applied Cryogenics, it's the beginning of a journey that will
take him more than a thousand years into the future.

Is there going to be a season 3 for the buried life?

I haven't heard much of anything for a 3rd season so if anybody knows
when/if it's going to happen, please share!

what is your favorite song from the bends?

bad teacher cameron diaz?

does anyone know or have any movie links for the new movie bad
teacher with cameron diaz and justin timberlake?? any links that i
dont have to sign up for an account or any surveys :)

Does anyone have Tabs for the following songs for the 12 hole ocarina?

Dango Daikazoku
Gerudo Valley

The Gundown (2010) BRRip XviD AC3 - CrEwSaDe

*The Gundown (2010) BRRip XviD AC3 - CrEwSaDe*
Language: English
1h 36m | BRRIP | avi | 1280 x 720 | XviD @ 1564 Kbps | AC3 @ 448 kbps
| 1.37 GB
_Genres: Western_ Upscale Font Seeking revenge and justice, Cole
Brandt finds himself in the lawless town of Dead River where he is
faced with one last bloody showdown for freedom in order to protect
The Majestic Saloon and a beautiful woman.

Science Channel - Through the Wormhole S02E03 Does Time Really Exist? (2011) HDTV 720p x264-DiVERGE

Language: English
00:42:18 | 1280x720 | x264 - 2386Kbps | 23.976fps | AC3 - 384Kbps |
*Genre:* Documentary
Time is woven into the fabric of the universe as one of the dimensions
in which we live our daily lives. But maybe it is only a brain state
that we use to piece together events. Could it exist only in our
minds? Your sense of time can be totally different than the person
next to you. This and other theories illustrate that time is an
illusion and does not really exist. The world's top physicists tackle
this fundamental question, does time exist, and offer new ways to
perceive the physical world.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

what are some good songs for this? help.?

whatt are some good relationship songs, that are about
love,marriage,your the one,spending our life together.  whatever
else. what are some in 2011? is what i wantt. butt just plain good
songs that really show love will work to.

Forbidden love movies?

I'm not necessarily talking like racial or gay, I had more in mind
movies where a girl falls in love with her kidnapper or someone bad.
Only movies within the past decade or so, please. Thanks :)

How to improve my singing?

I need some honest opinions, both positive and negetive to help me
improve! Thanks a bunch! Ill answer questions in return!

 also, if anybody else has singing channels on youtube leave me the
links and ill subscribe and rate them for you :D, thanks for the great
answers so far!

Where can I watch Grease (1978) online?

I can't find it anywhere! Preferably a Megavideo link please

Tour dates for Tegan & Sara, and An Horse?

Canadian tour dates for Tegan  Sara. Also An Horse.... Schedule

RHH: Was Tupac the only rapper to write a song about respecting women?

How I met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 1 Big Days s06e01 601

How I met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 1 Big Days s06e01 601 [2]
Take the opportunity and watch full version of How I met Your Mother
on our blog all seasons free of charge ep tvshow tv show trailer
latest finale 2010 preview part 1 free streaming online From:
joederda [3] Views:
0 0

09:04 More in
Music [4]


Monday, June 20, 2011

Gossip Girl Season 4, Episode 11 - The Townie

Gossip Girl Season 4, Episode 11 - The Townie [2]
HD quality!!! Watch now all new episodes! All the best television
movies are available on our blog free of charge all seasons ep tvshow
tv show trailer new finale 2011 preview part 1 free streaming play.
Gossip Girl is an American teen drama series based on the book series
of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series was
created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, and premiered on The
CW on September 19, 2007. Narrated by the omniscient yet unseen
blogger "Gossip Girl", voiced by Kristen Bell, the series revolves
around the lives of privileged young adults on Manhattan'sUpper East
Side in New York City. The main charactors: Serena van der Woodsen,
Blair Waldorf, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Jenny Humphrey, Chuck
Bass, Lily van der Woodsen, Rufus Humphrey , Gossip Girl, Vanessa
Abrams. Chuck Bass 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Dan Humphrey free streaming
online American 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 online Season 1 Episode Series
Tvshow tv show From:
kristadomenice [3] Views:
0 0

07:22 More in
Film  Animation [4]


What is your top 10 actors list?

Mine is;

1#Robert DeNiro
2#Daniel Day-Lewis
3#Al Pacino
4#Gene Hackman
5#Russell Crowe
6#John Travolta
7#Brad Pitt
8#Jack Nicholson
9#Colin Farrell
10#Harvey Keitel

What's yours?

Whats this song called? D:?

What is the song called that goes like "Do feel like a man when you
push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground"

Go Outside

Go Outside [2]
Just a short trailer i made with mah SISTER!! Lets all Go
Outside!!!!! From:
LifeAfterSchool [3] Views:
0 0

00:50 More in
Entertainment [4]


How do i properly do scremo?

It's kinda hard to sing to those kick ass bands ^Alesana, Escape the
fate, Breathe Carolina, Asking Alexandria etc...^ When i have no idea
how to do scremo. I'm a 15 year old chick and i've tried looking up
articles on how to preform screams, but i'm fucking lost. I
understand that you have to breathe from your diaphragm... but how do
i know i am? And i know that you need to use your false cord, not my
singing, but how do i know i am?
How do i properly do scremo, without damaging my vocals?

rate my guitar playing?

rate my guitar playing?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Discovery Channel Mars Rising Journey to the Red Planet HDTV-Rip XViD-BlueTV

*Discovery Channel Mars Rising Journey to the Red Planet HDTV-Rip
Language: English
00:45:55 | 624 x 352 | XviD - 1073Kbps | 29.97fps | Mp3 - 160Kbps |
350 MB
*Genre*: Documentary The countdown has begun for the 21st century's
most heroic and potentially deadliest expedition. A manned mission to
Mars has been the dream of scientists for decades—and now Mars
Rising explores that dream and the challenges being faced by
international space agencies and in laboratories. More than 300
scientists from Canada, the United States, Europe, Chile and Russia
have contributed to Mars Rising, a six-part documentary series and a
companion to the expedition series Race to Mars. The quest to the
secrets of the universe begins—on Mars.

Where can i find mad world sheet music online for free by Adam Lambert?

I really want to learn how to play this song, but I don't want to buy
it. Is there anywhere that I can get it without paying for it?

Young female rappers?

I need some

Star Wars Kotor trailer

Star Wars Kotor trailer [2]
This is Star Wars Kotor trailer From:
KOTOR2010 [3] Views:
1 0

01:22 More in
Gaming [4]


is there rap songs like this one ?

songs going ' oh oh oh ' its slow sung by a woman with a guitarr?

i heard it in pizza hut and now i cant get it out my head!
i need to find it!
it then said something like im loosing?
if that helps?

China Cry Trailer

China Cry Trailer [2]
faithflixtv [3] Views:
0 0

01:22 More in
Entertainment [4]


Can You Please Throw Some Light On The Film The Sentinel?


Imagine if Batista wouldve Been in Fast Five?

I already kno the Rock is in there but wouldn't it hav been sick if
Batista was in there too then u got The rock and Batista in the same

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Song heard at PacSun?

I was at pacsun today and a really good song came on. It had a really
long techno like beat with no words but then occasionally there would
be a voice that says I am not a robot. I've been searching on google,
the pacsun website, and youtube but I still can't find it. Do you know
the name of the song?

New Airline Tycoon 2 HD video game trailer - PC

New Airline Tycoon 2 HD video game trailer - PC [2] - Prepare to fly the friendly (and sometimes
not-so-friendly) skies with upcoming strategy title --- Airline
Tycoon 2. This new video, gives viewers an overview of Airline Tycoon
2's gameplay features, from designing planes to planning flights. See
how you can manage a world class airline when Airline Tycoon 2 is
released this autumn. From:
gameboyuk [3] Views:
0 0

01:23 More in
Gaming [4]


'You jump i jump' in the TItanic?

i watched the Titanic and the scene where jack and rose meet after she
jumps of the lifeboat she says "You jump i jump right?"
Did Jack say this before?i missed the first part of the show..and i
cant find the video anywhere.

Law of the Jungle

Nona Brooks, former member of a stranded theatrical troupe, earns a
temporary living singing in a café in Duakwa, British Rhodesia,
Africa. The café owner is secretly in league with two foreign
agents with a goal of making the natives restless. American explorer
Larry Mason leaves for the jungle with his servant, Jeff and a safari.
Nona escapes the café into the jungle but is followed by the agents
as, unknowing to her, she is carrying a report of the agent's
activities. She joins the safari just as all hands are captured by a
tribe of natives.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can somebody answer my 80's music question?

I've spent hours looking for a late 80's song with an upbeat synth
intro B-C-D CBCB G/ B-C-D BCBC G/ then sung by a male with an Erasure
sounding voice. But the hook is actually a female's voice in slight
autotune, containing the line akin to "Why did you have to let me
down, I should have been some modeling star... " the last 7 words in
quotes to the tune of D DDE D C B G#-A... I heard it back in the day
on the Top 40 pop stations but after scouring Billboard's Top 100 I've
been SOL.
Please help, I know I don't have enough talent to be making this up.
Thanks Damian

What movie is this quote from?

Twelve years. Twelve long years I waited to get out of prison, and the
first thing you ask me to do is steal a car??.... sometimes man... I
just... I think you know me too well

how is my singing/guitar playing?

i just started playin guitar and today i tried singing and i wasnt as
bad as i thought but i know im still bad lol...but i am looking for
others honest opinions and maybe a lil coaching here...thankyou

Was Andrea the best contestant?

of survivor redemption island

Los Pitufos 3D - Trailer Subtitulado 2011

Los Pitufos 3D - Trailer Subtitulado 2011 [2]
SportsLive89 [3] Views:
1 0

00:50 More in
Film  Animation [4]


TeL2K7 - MW2 Montage Trailer

TeL2K7 - MW2 Montage Trailer [2]
Trailer to my up coming montage for MW2 From:
TeL2K7 [3] Views:
0 0

00:28 More in
Gaming [4]


I need a list of every show that was ever shown on noggin/nick jr.?

I can't seem to remember a few show's names and its driving me insane

Help me choose a Mozart piano concerto?

It's for a concerto competition for people 16-18, my age is 16
So, I need help singling one out, preferably one that is not too

Monday, June 13, 2011

RHH: New CyHi and Big Sean?

CyHi ft. Big Sean - Woopty Doo

Big Sean ft Kanye and Roscoe Dash - Marvin Gaye  Chardonnay

BQ: CyHi or Sean?

BQ2: Are you gonna check out Royal Flush 2 tomorrow?

BQ3: Favorite new released song today?

S.W.A.T.: Firefight (2011) IPRiP x264 AAC - TaTUmO

*S.W.A.T.: Firefight (2011) IPRiP x264 AAC - TaTUmO* [1]
Cast:Gabriel Macht, Kristanna Loken and Robert Patrick
01:28:382 | 480x272 | 740kb/s | 23.98fps | AAC - 48KHz - Stereo |
mp4[/code] | 468 MB (FSN/FS/WUP - 1 Link)
_Genre:Action | Crime | Thriller_
Best For Iphone (2G-3G-3Gs)  other smartphone with resolution 480x320
Transferred to Detroit to put a local SWAT team through a training
regimen,LAPD Lieutenant Paul Cutler finds himself the target of a
homicidal genius who is protected by government officials.


Trust 2010 DVDRip XviD-EVO

Trust 2010 DVDRip XviD-EVO

Cowboys and Aliens (2011) - Nuevo trailer

Cowboys and Aliens (2011) - Nuevo trailer [2]
Con ustedes, el nuevo avance de la nueva peli de acci


Lego Star Wars Black Vypers Trailer

Lego Star Wars Black Vypers Trailer [2]
This is a trailer for a upcoming series! It used to be owned by
C4192857, but now in the reformation, it is now part of the Black
Dragon! Enjoy From:
xBlackDragonStudiosx [3] Views:
1 0

00:45 More in
Film  Animation [4]


Sunday, June 12, 2011

What could i name my film?

My film is based on the seven deadly sins. It is an action film for
family audiences where each selfish child gets captured for their sin
but i am completely stumped on the name! Help asap please!

What's the scariest movie on Netflix watch instantly?

I need a really scary movie to watch. Something that will give me