Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Aida Arenas - Ninja Class Trailer [PC, MAC]

Aida Arenas - Ninja Class Trailer [PC, MAC] [2]
Subscribe www.hdgamespoilers.com for HD Trailers, Let's Plays (look
for that *awesome face* at the bottom right), Highlights, and No
Commentary Playthroughs. - Email Subscription: HDgamespoilers.com
Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: tinyurl.com - . hack//GU is a series
of single-player action role-playing games for the PlayStation 2,
developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai. The three games
are titled . hack//GU Vol. 1: Rebirth (��, Saitan?, lit.
Resurrection), . hack//GU Vol. 2: Reminisce (F�, Kimi Omou Koe?,
lit. The Voice that Thinks of You), and . hack//GU Vol. 3: Redemption
(iO�FjUg, Aruku you na Hayasa de?, lit. At a Walking Pace). .
hack//GU simulates a massively multiplayer online role-playing game;
players assume the role of a participant in a fictional game called
The World. While in The World, the player controls the on-screen
player character, Haseo, from a third-person person perspective (with
optional first-person mode). The player may control the camera using
the game controller's right analog stick. Within the fictional game,
players explore monster-infested fields and dungeons as well as 'Root
Towns' that are free of combat. They also can 'log-off' from the game
and return to a computer desktop interface which includes in-game
e-mail, news, and message boards, as well as desktop and background
music customization options. In Reminisce, an optional card game
called 'Crimson VS' becomes available. The player may save the game
to a *...* From:
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[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjJmvEpEeLQ&feature=youtube_gdata
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjJmvEpEeLQ&feature=youtube_gdata
[3] http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=SubscribeForGamesHD
[4] http://www.youtube.com/categories_portal?c=20

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