Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Schreiber on board for 'Ray Donovan'

Liev Schreiber has been cast as the lead in Showtime's drama pilot "Ray Donovan." Show, from "Southland" creator Ann Biderman, centers of a professional "fixer" for the rich and famous in contemporary Los Angeles. As the go-to guy in Hollywood, Schreiber's title character deftly solves the highly confidential problems of the city's most intriguing personalities and yet he can't quite escape the damage in his own troubled family. "Ray Donovan" is being produced by Showtime, with Biderman, Mark Gordon and Bryan Zuriff set as exec producers. Production is expected to begin early next year. The pay cabler, which recently reupped "Dexter" for two more seasons and is getting excellent traction on new skein "Homeland," also has pilots already ordered. "Masters of Sex," with Paul Bettany circling for the lead role, looks at the work of sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson, and half-hour docuseries "Gurland on Gurland," which stars Andrew Gurland, begins shooting next week. Contact Stuart Levine at stuart.levine@variety.com

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